July 18 - September 1, 2024
Samantha Wigglesworth

Reflections of Societal Expectations 

Painted foil balloons serve as a visual exploration of how people navigate the delicate equilibrium between authenticity and societal pressures. Some with self-portraits captured within the reflections to highlight this traitorous journey. The shiny, idealized surfaces house a warped perspective of shadows and highlights, emphasizing the contrast between external appearances and inner realities. 

Samantha Wigglesworth Bio

Samantha Wigglesworth is a queer femme artist from conservative rural Northern BC. Predominantly working in acrylic on canvas for a majority of their BFA education, their work has explored their own identity and vulnerability taken up aspects of mental health, sexuality, and gender through self-portraiture. Samantha is a recent graduate with her Bachelor Degree of Fine Arts from UFV, she will be starting her MFA at UBCO in the fall of 2024.  

Gallery: Beedie Living Gallery

You’re Invited! Opening Reception 

Thursday, July 18, 2024 | 6:00 – 8:00 pm 

Canadian Pacific Gallery, Ann Kitching Gallery, Beedie Living Gallery

Artists in attendance | free admission | refreshments served

Port Moody Arts Centre 2425 St. Johns Street 

Reflections of Societal Expectations Artists