Hello and welcome to my page, I am a Visual Artist, Digital Artist, Photo/Film Artist

Woods, Andrew

Contact Details

  Woods, Andrew

   Email Me


  COQUITLAM, British Columbia, Canada

Samples of my work

Artist Statement

Art is, above all, the act of storytelling. It is a means of learning and teaching, uniquely fitted to each and every one of us. And I’ve always loved telling stories. Ever since I was a kid. I think there’s something very special about a well-told story. It’s a form of creative expression that can stir our emotions, provoke new thoughts, and hopefully leave some kind of footprint in our hearts and minds. I think that stories are uniquely a human passion, allowing us to see the world, if only briefly, from another perspective.​ And through storytelling, maybe we can extend beyond ourselves. And see what is ultimately true… That we are as unique as we are similar.​ That there is more to life than what can be seen on the surface.​ All we need to do is open our eyes. And maybe we will see the world in a different light, and see ourselves differently as a result.

My Current Exhibitions: