Hello and welcome to my page, I am a Visual Artist

Khosravi, Homa

Contact Details

  Khosravi, Homa


  Vancouver , BC, Canada

Samples of my work

Artist Statement

Homa is a visual artist and painter who believes in the power of imagination and dreaming in her art practice. She holds an MFA in Fine Arts from Simon Fraser University, and BFA from Tehran University, she has been painting for over a decade and has exhibited her work globally. Homa encourages her students to break boundaries and think outside the box, she believes everyone can make art and it is one of the best ways to connect to your inner child and inner peace. Her diverse body of work encompasses surrealism, abstraction, and worldbuilding, featuring “more than human” creatures through various mediums, including painting, video, and sculpture installations. Trained in both academic and conceptual methods, Homa delves into the human body’s connection to memory, fantasy, and the uncanny, often infusing her pieces with humor. Her art investigates the interplay between body, mind, and environment, emphasizing the creative process, color choices, and materiality.