Qing Ensemble is a vibrant, vocal-driven group dedicated to celebrating Canadian Chinese music. With a repertoire that spans traditional to contemporary styles, the ensemble embodies the fusion of Eastern and Western musical traditions. Featuring:
Bruce Bai, singer and arranger, specializing in Mongolian throat singing and percussion, bringing a unique vocal texture to the group.
Dailin Hsieh contributes his expertise on the zheng and serves as an arranger, infusing traditional melodies with contemporary flair.
Lan Tung, a versatile arranger and composer, enhances the ensemble’s sound through her mastery of the erhu and Mongolian horse-head fiddle, as well as percussion.
Together, they create a rich tapestry of musical experiences that celebrate the fusion of diverse traditions.
Tickets include one glass of wine from Peller Estates and light appetizers from Pasta Polo.