June 15- July 20, 2023
Max TS. Yang

Morsel Scavengers: Cyclical of the Raining City 

Max TS. Yang

Morsel Scavengers is a series of sculptural self-portraits superimposing Yang as a part of the scavengers of the city. Within this juxtaposition between the human figure and the city animals, he seeks to accentuate the challenges people encounter living in an unforgiving urban environment.


Gallery: Ann Kitching Gallery 

You’re Invited! Opening Reception 

Thursday June 15, 2023  6:00 – 8:00 pm 

Canadian Pacific Gallery, Ann Kitching Gallery, Suncor Gallery 

Artists in attendance | free admission | refreshments served

pomoarts.ca | 2425 St. Johns Street | Port Moody

Morsel Scavengers Artists