May 11- June 8, 2023
Rosamunde Bordo: Kwi Am Choi Scholarship Recipient

The Relationship Without Images  

Bordo creates a sculptural installation that takes a love letter on a postcard as its point of departure. Posted in 1987, and addressed to Denise, the writer John, declares that she is “the World” and that he wants to have “a relationship without images.” Bordo responds to this cryptic and unusual love letter, by creating sculptures and narrative objects that decode, invent and interpret possible latent meaning in the postcard, and asking, “What does a relationship without images mean?


Gallery: Ann Kitching Gallery 

You’re Invited! Opening Reception 

Thursday May 11, 2023  6:00 – 8:00 pm 

Canadian Pacific Gallery, Ann Kitching Gallery, Suncor Gallery 

Artists in attendance | free admission | refreshments served | 2425 St. Johns Street | Port Moody

The Relationship Without Images Artists